
Pennsylvania Population

New population projections produced by the Pennsylvania State Data Center reveal that the Keystone State’s 2010 Census population of 12.7 million is projected to grow to 14.1 million by the year 2040. This represents a growth rate of 11.3 percent or the addition of more than 1.4 million residents over the thirty year period.

The projections also suggest that the age makeup of Pennsylvania’s population will, on average, continue to grow older over the next three decades. The largest percentage increases will be seen in the 5-year age cohorts over age 65. Click here to read more about the projections in the PaSDC's latest Research Brief.

Population Projections were completed for the years 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040 for the Commonwealth and its 67 counties. These projections were developed by five-year age cohorts and gender. Data users wishing to purchase PDF file profiles and excel data files of the PaSDC’s State and County Population Projections by Age and Gender, Pennsylvania: 2010 to 2040 can do so by visiting http://pasdc.hbg.psu.edu/, click on Data, then Projections.

2013 County Population Estimates Released by Census Bureau
Cumberland County is Pennsylvania’s fastest-growing since 2010

The U.S. Census Bureau reported today on where the heaviest population growth in Pennsylvania was concentrated last year. Cumberland County, in central Pennsylvania, was the fastest-growing county between April 1, 2010 and July 1, 2013. The population of Cumberland County rose 2.5 percent over the period. Chester County followed with a 2.1 percent gain since 2010. Lancaster County (2.0 percent percent) ranked third in terms of percent population increase, followed by Clinton and Philadelphia counties, which each grew at 1.8 percent during the period.

With respect to numerical growth, Philadelphia County added 27,159 people between 2010 and 2013, more than any other county in the state. It was followed by Montgomery County, which grew by 12,503 people, Chester (10,342), Lancaster (10,152) and Allegheny (8,179) rounded out the top five. 

View the 2013 County Population Estimates by visiting http://pasdc.hbg.psu.edu/, click on Data, then Estimates. From there, select the file name: Pennsylvania County Estimates: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013.

This information is based on annual population estimates for each of the nation’s counties since the 2010 Census and up to July 1, 2013. Internet tables are available showing rankings and components of population change (births, deaths, migration) from American FactFinder (http://factfinde2.census.gov).


The Pennsylvania State Data Center (PaSDC) is the commonwealth's official source for population and economic statistics and is housed at Penn State Harrisburg within the Institute of State and Regional Affairs. The PaSDC also serves as Pennsylvania's liaison to the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of the Census and as representative to the Federal State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates and Federal State Cooperative Program for Population Projections.

The PaSDC provides data products and services to business, academia, governments, non-profits and private citizens. Our products and services include: consultation of data availability and use, custom programming and reports, statistical mapping, research projects, technical training and workshops.

This listserv contains clients, affiliates, interested parties and media contacts of the PaSDC. The goal of this listserv is to keep you current with events occurring at the U.S. Census Bureau and the PaSDC in an electronic format. If you wish to receive any information disseminated through this listserv in another medium, please contact us.

The PaSDC will distribute monthly updates, research briefs and other items of interest via this listserv. If you wish to be removed from this list, please email us at: PaSDC@psu.edu or by phone at 717.948.6336.

The PaSDC hopes that you find these releases informative and useful. The PaSDC welcomes all comments and questions in regard to the information it disseminates. For more information about the Pennsylvania State Data Center and population and economic statistics about the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, please visit our Web site at: PaSDC.hbg.psu.edu.

John R. Maurer
State Capital Office Coordinator
Pennsylvania State Data Center
Penn State Harrisburg
777 Harrisburg Pike
Middletown, PA 17057

Articles Taken From the Pocono Shopper October, 1992-May, 1997

Articles Taken From the Pocono Shopper October, 1992-May, 1997

These newspaper articles by Dr. Appel cover a wide range oflocal activities and events. There is no index and the table of contents is very long; the article titles are also long. To help
researchers to save time when looking for a specific subject, this "demi-index"sorts the articles by major subject categories and gives a short label, leaving to the individual to read enough of the article to check for usefulness. We hope this will make the collection more helpful. For history buffs, the articles are interesting and often fun, and give an insight into the activities and interests ofMomoe  County people over the years.

Historic Momoe County  by John Appel

Momoe County

Name of county 8/7/92
Historical Society  10/14/92, 10/21192
Electric Railway & Pocono Creek Bridge 12/8/93
Forests 6/21/95
Mathews history  11/22/95
Keller history  1/3/96
Daylight saving  4/3/96  & 4/10/96
Elections  8/7/96,  8/14/96 and  8/21/96
Lackawanna Trail 1122/97
Foxtown Hill  road 4/16/29

,.          ,


Stroud family and house  10/28/92, 1114/92,
11/11/92, 11/18/92, 11/25/92
Pictures -Mansion
House, 10/21192, Picture -Daniel  Stroud,

Jacob Stroud- military service 11125/92
Street names 11/18/92,7/14/93
Telegraph 7/28/93
·Environment   9/15/93  & 9122193
Town clock 6/8/94
7th Street Bridge  12/29/93,  1118/95, 11115/95
Federal Building and Post Office 12111/96 . ' East Stroudsburg
East Stroudsburg- name 12/2/92
Town clock 6/15/94
Railroad bridge 4/9/97_


Biography, etc.

Picture of President Momoe, after table of contents, before text begins
Lincoln's death 2110/93
McKinley's murder  2/17/93
Mexican War hero: William Schoonover, 8/11/93
General Grant, cancer 8/18/93
Garfield assassination 11/3/93
George Washington, Bicentennial  2/23/94
Summerfield Staples (Lincoln"s "substitute") 4/6/94, 611194
A. Mitchell Palmer, William Penn and politics, 1909 9/20195
Stogdell Stokes 2/5/97
General John Sullivan,  3/5/97, .3/12/97
Harding's death 3/26/97
George Kemp 5/7/97
Jacob and Henry Singmaster  5/14/97

------------------- --------
American House,  5/2/97
Grand Theater, 7/12/95, 7119/95
Huckleberries, 8/2593
Ice Industry, 12/9/92
Indian Queen Hotel,  2/8/95
Livery Stables, 617/95
J\1ail Delivery,  i/12/94
Opera, 3/6/96, 3/13196
Plaza Theater, 7126/95
Radio Station, 115/94
Stogdell Stokes, 2/5/97
Stroud Theater, 9/27/95,  10/4/95
Swindling, 4/13/94
Telegraph, 1855,   7/28/93
Wesley Water Cure, 7/17/96,7/24/96,  7/31196
Williams Hall, 9/6/95, 9113195


:Blizzard of 1888 3/23/94
Earthquakes 2/24/93,  319194
Johnstown's flood 10/27/93
Flood of 1841 3/30/94
Flood, 1955 8/23/95
Fire safety 12/20/95, 12/27/95                                      \ Ice 12/9/92, 1/10/96
Japan - earthquake 8/28/96, 9/4/96
InfluenZa, 1918  10/30/96, 1116/96, next, but not dated.
Armenians 12/18/96, 12/25/96


Holidays and celebrations

Christmas trees12116/92
Christmas time12/23/92
Christ.'Ilas - mid-1920s
Christmas Sunday School 12/30/92
Christmas 1918,  12/15/93,  12/22/93
Christmas 1896,  12/4/96
Thanksgiving, 1918  11124/93
Thanksgiving 1930-32,  11116/94, 11/23/94
Thanksgiving in the Depression 11123/94
Independence Day,  1851,  1876     6/22/94,  6/29/94
Liberty Bell   3/27I 96, 4/3/ 96
Tum of  the Century  1900-1901,  3/2/94


Medical Society   7/6/94
Agricultural Society     8/31/94
Agricultural Fair   917/94
Odd Fellows   12/28/94, 114/95
Red Me)1  3/22.95
Knights ofPythias   3/29/95
Sons of Veterans
Farmers Institute
Fund-raising Fair
Knights ofMalta
10/11195, 10/18/95, 10/25/95, 1111195
Elks Club   6/19/96
Woodsmen of the World   7/3/96
Daughters ofPocahantas     10/16/96
Rebekahs    10/22/96
Dames of Malta   4/2/97
GAR (Veterans of the Civil War)  5/24/95
Christmas 1925, charity by groups,  12/21/94


Baseball Team   8/9/95, 8/16/95, 8/30/95
Brass Bands   2/22/95, 3/1/95, 3/8/95, 3/15/95
Liberty Bell   3/20/96, 3/27/96
Parks  5/25/94, 4/20/94
Theaters,   7/12/95,  7119/95, 7/26/95,  9/6/95, 9/13/959/27/95,  10/4/95,  3/6/96, 3113/96

Religion, Missions, Revivals

Moravian Mission  3/3/93, 3/10/93, 3/17/93',
Camp meeting  7/13/94, 7/20/94, 7/27/94, 8/3./94, 8/10/94
Mission to Dansbury  4/17/96,  4/24/96,  5/119., ReVivals 5/8/96, 5115/96, 5/22/96, 5/29/96                                                       ·
Billy Sunday and Rev. Asher  9/11196, 9/18/96, 9/25/96
Bible Society   4/21/93
Temperance   9/1193, 9/8/93
Thanksgiving 1930-1932,  11116/94, 11123/94

Schools and Colleges

Normal School,  1113/93, 1120/93, 1/27/93, 2/3/93, 4/19/95, 4/26/95,5/3/95,615/96,6/12/96
Normal School-Football      10/19/94, 10/26/94, 1112/94, 1119/94
Normal School- State Ownership 7/10/96
Superintendent of Schools.4/28/93
State Teacher's College 10/9/96,  118/97
School Directors 5/5/93
Teachers 5/12/93
Buildings  5/19/93
Furniture 5/26/93
Lenape Institute 11130/94, 12/7/94
Fanners' Institute,  5/10/95
People's College     11/29/95, 12/6/95, 12/13/95
Academy of Music  1/17/96,  1124/96, 1131196


Bicycles  6/2/93,  6/9/93,  6/16/93, 6/23/93
Stagecoaches 9/29/93,  10/6/93,  10/13/93
Streetcars   11110/93, 11/17/93, 12/1193, 12/8/93, 12/29/93
7th Street Bridge, 1907-1928,    12/29/93
Trolley  8/17/ 4,  8/24/94
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR,     1119/94, 1126/94,2/2/94, 3/16/94
New York, Susquehanna and Western RR,   4/27/94, 5/4/94, 5111/94, 5/18/94
Wilkes-Barre and Eastern RR,   9/14/94, 9/21194, 9/28/94, 10/5/94
Erie RR,   10/12/94
Auto clubs and runs,  4/5/95,  4/12/95
Livery stables and horses,   6/7/95, 6/14/95
Dirigibles,  2/7/96                                                                                         .        r,1
Airports   2/14/96, 2/28/96
Motorcycle races,   2112/97, 2/19/97
Lackawanna Trail,  1/22/97,  1/29/97
Railroad Bridge,  4/9/97
Foxtown Hill Road, 4116/97


Frontier Forts   3/24/93,  3/31193, 4/7/93, 4/14/93, 4/21193
Revolutionary War Forts   717193
Mexican War   8/4/93,  8/11193
Red Cross   1917-1918   10/20/93
Spanish-American Wars   2/9/94, 2/16/94, 12/14/94
United States Independence   9/8/93,  6/29/94
Normal School and W.W.I.,  4/19/95, 4/26/95, 5/3/95
National Guard     1111195, 1118/95, 1125/95
Sullivan Trail  No date, between 6/28 and 7/5/95,   61?1195, 6/28/95
Veteran's Sons,   7/5/95                                                  '

Do).lghboy Memorial        10/2/96
Armistice Day         11113/96, 11120/96, General Sullivan  3/5/97,  3/12/97


Returning Servicemen, Memorial   No date, between 11120/9:6 and 12/4/96,       4/23/97, 4/30/97
Memorial Day,  5117/95, 5/24/95                                             1
General John Sullivan,  3/5/97,  3/12/97