Articles Taken From the Pocono Shopper
October, 1992-May, 1997
These newspaper articles by Dr. Appel cover a wide range oflocal
activities and events. There is
no index and the table of contents
is very long; the article titles are also long. To help
researchers to save time when looking
for a specific subject, this "demi-index"sorts
the articles by major subject categories and gives a short label,
leaving to the individual to read enough of the article to check for usefulness. We hope this will make the collection more helpful. For history buffs, the articles
are interesting and often fun, and give an insight
into the activities and interests ofMomoe
County people over the years.
Historic Momoe County by John Appel
Momoe County

Historical Society 10/14/92, 10/21192
Electric Railway & Pocono
Creek Bridge 12/8/93
Forests 6/21/95
Mathews history 11/22/95
Keller history 1/3/96
Daylight saving 4/3/96 & 4/10/96
Elections 8/7/96, 8/14/96 and 8/21/96
Lackawanna Trail 1122/97
Foxtown Hill
road 4/16/29
,. ,
Stroud family and house 10/28/92, 1114/92,
11/11/92, 11/18/92, 11/25/92
Pictures -Mansion
House, 10/21192, Picture -Daniel Stroud,
Jacob Stroud- military service 11125/92
Street names 11/18/92,7/14/93
Telegraph 7/28/93
·Environment 9/15/93 & 9122193
Town clock 6/8/94
7th Street Bridge 12/29/93,
1118/95, 11115/95

East Stroudsburg- name 12/2/92
Town clock 6/15/94
Railroad bridge 4/9/97_
Biography, etc.

Lincoln's death 2110/93
McKinley's murder 2/17/93
Mexican War hero: William
Schoonover, 8/11/93
General Grant,
cancer 8/18/93
Garfield assassination 11/3/93
George Washington, Bicentennial 2/23/94
Summerfield Staples (Lincoln"s "substitute") 4/6/94, 611194
A. Mitchell
Palmer, William Penn and politics, 1909 9/20195
Stogdell Stokes
General John Sullivan,
3/5/97, .3/12/97
Harding's death 3/26/97
George Kemp 5/7/97
Jacob and Henry Singmaster
------------------- --------
American House, 5/2/97
Grand Theater, 7/12/95, 7119/95
Huckleberries, 8/2593
Ice Industry, 12/9/92
Indian Queen
Hotel, 2/8/95
Livery Stables, 617/95
J\1ail Delivery, i/12/94
Opera, 3/6/96,
Plaza Theater,
Radio Station,
Stogdell Stokes,
Stroud Theater, 9/27/95, 10/4/95
Swindling, 4/13/94
Telegraph, 1855,
Wesley Water Cure, 7/17/96,7/24/96,
Williams Hall, 9/6/95,

Earthquakes 2/24/93, 319194
Johnstown's flood 10/27/93
Flood of 1841 3/30/94
Flood, 1955
Fire safety
12/20/95, 12/27/95 \ Ice 12/9/92, 1/10/96
Japan - earthquake 8/28/96, 9/4/96
InfluenZa, 1918 10/30/96, 1116/96,
next, but not dated.
Armenians 12/18/96, 12/25/96
Holidays and celebrations

Christmas time12/23/92
Christ.'Ilas - mid-1920s
Christmas Sunday School 12/30/92
Christmas 1918, 12/15/93, 12/22/93
Christmas 1896, 12/4/96
Thanksgiving, 1918 11124/93
Thanksgiving 1930-32, 11116/94, 11/23/94
Thanksgiving in the Depression 11123/94
Independence Day, 1851, 1876
6/22/94, 6/29/94
Liberty Bell 3/27I 96, 4/3/ 96
Tum of the Century
Medical Society 7/6/94
Agricultural Society
Agricultural Fair
Odd Fellows
12/28/94, 114/95
Red Me)1 3/22.95
Knights ofPythias 3/29/95
Sons of Veterans
Farmers Institute
Fund-raising Fair
Knights ofMalta
10/11195, 10/18/95, 10/25/95, 1111195
Elks Club
Woodsmen of the World
Daughters ofPocahantas 10/16/96
Rebekahs 10/22/96
Dames of Malta 4/2/97
GAR (Veterans of the Civil War) 5/24/95
Christmas 1925, charity by groups,
Baseball Team 8/9/95, 8/16/95, 8/30/95
Brass Bands 2/22/95, 3/1/95, 3/8/95, 3/15/95
Liberty Bell 3/20/96, 3/27/96
Parks 5/25/94, 4/20/94
Theaters, 7/12/95, 7119/95, 7/26/95, 9/6/95, 9/13/959/27/95, 10/4/95, 3/6/96, 3113/96
Religion, Missions, Revivals
Moravian Mission 3/3/93, 3/10/93, 3/17/93',
Camp meeting 7/13/94, 7/20/94, 7/27/94, 8/3./94,
to Dansbury 4/17/96, 4/24/96, 5/119.,
ReVivals 5/8/96, 5115/96, 5/22/96, 5/29/96 ·
Billy Sunday and Rev. Asher
9/11196, 9/18/96,
Bible Society 4/21/93
Temperance 9/1193, 9/8/93
Thanksgiving 1930-1932, 11116/94, 11123/94
Schools and Colleges

Normal School-Football 10/19/94,
10/26/94, 1112/94, 1119/94
Normal School- State Ownership 7/10/96
Superintendent of Schools.4/28/93
State Teacher's College 10/9/96, 118/97
School Directors
Teachers 5/12/93
Buildings 5/19/93
Furniture 5/26/93
Lenape Institute 11130/94, 12/7/94
Fanners' Institute, 5/10/95
People's College
11/29/95, 12/6/95, 12/13/95
Academy of Music 1/17/96,
1124/96, 1131196
Bicycles 6/2/93, 6/9/93,
6/16/93, 6/23/93
Stagecoaches 9/29/93, 10/6/93, 10/13/93
Streetcars 11110/93, 11/17/93, 12/1193, 12/8/93, 12/29/93
7th Street Bridge, 1907-1928, 12/29/93
Trolley 8/17/ 4,
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR, 1119/94, 1126/94,2/2/94, 3/16/94
New York, Susquehanna and Western RR,
4/27/94, 5/4/94, 5111/94, 5/18/94
Wilkes-Barre and Eastern RR,
9/14/94, 9/21194, 9/28/94, 10/5/94
Erie RR, 10/12/94
Auto clubs and runs,
4/5/95, 4/12/95
Livery stables and horses, 6/7/95, 6/14/95
Dirigibles, 2/7/96 . r,1
Airports 2/14/96, 2/28/96
Motorcycle races, 2112/97, 2/19/97
Lackawanna Trail, 1/22/97, 1/29/97
Railroad Bridge, 4/9/97
Foxtown Hill Road, 4116/97
Frontier Forts 3/24/93,
3/31193, 4/7/93,
4/14/93, 4/21193
Revolutionary War Forts 717193
Mexican War 8/4/93,
Red Cross 1917-1918 10/20/93
Spanish-American Wars
2/9/94, 2/16/94, 12/14/94
United States Independence 9/8/93, 6/29/94
Normal School and W.W.I., 4/19/95, 4/26/95, 5/3/95
National Guard 1111195, 1118/95,
Sullivan Trail No date, between 6/28 and 7/5/95, 61?1195, 6/28/95
Veteran's Sons,
7/5/95 '
Do).lghboy Memorial 10/2/96
Armistice Day 11113/96, 11120/96, General Sullivan 3/5/97, 3/12/97

Memorial Day, 5117/95, 5/24/95 1
General John Sullivan, 3/5/97,
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